There’s so much to do when you’re starting or just acquired your own business! You may not need a full-blown HR function. Heck, you may only have a few employees. But there are some basics all companies need to comply with regulations, protect yourself and set the company up for future growth.
Ensuring you're up to date on all the latest regulations can be a full-time job itself! Topics such as the Equal Pay Law, state sick leave, paid disability leave, wage and hour issues or how to apply the various leave laws can be daunting. We help organizations navigate the complexity between local, state and federal law and assist with setting up the proper policies and procedures.
In an ideal world, all your employees will come to work, love their job and be happy. In reality, that’s not always the case. Untrained managers, unhappy employees or dysfunctional teams can all lead to poor morale or worse, harassment complaints.
We recognize that many times leaders have been put in place because they were good at something other than managing people. Whether it is individual coaching, group training sessions or building customized leadership development programs, we help managers grow into leaders.
While you may have the coolest technology, the perfect product, or a superb service model, your people are still the key to making your business thrive. Your organizational culture and HR strategy should follow and closely align to your overall strategic plan. Shouldn’t you work with the experts in HR management to set your employees and business up for success?
It’s a competitive job market out there! Attracting new employees while keeping current top performers feeling valued can be a balancing act. The answer isn’t always, “Pay more!”
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